THE CHALLENGE: To complete all 7 RaceNewForest Tri’s in 7 days:

Monday August 8th
Swim 2.6km, Bike 126km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 90km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 81km, Run 22.6km

Swim 1.3km, Bike 45km, Run 16km

Swim 1.1km, Bike 36km, Run10km

Swim 0.75km, Bike 25km, Run 6km

Swim 3.8km, Bike 180km, Run 42.2km

A 7 day total of:-

Swim 13.35 km (8.25 miles)
Bike 583 km (362 miles)
Run 139 km (86.4 miles)


Friday, 29 July 2011


Decent journey home; cracked on with some Admin etc and now off for a weekend with my (huge) family down in Exmouth. Will swim at Ellingham and ride a bit before we go and then hopefully get in a couple of quality runs on the coastal path!

The weather in Bourg stayed changeable.....chapeau to the guys who did the triathlons there after we left. Snow faling daily on the high ground!!! Stopped off in the Vosges on our way home. Main purpose was to stock up with Alsace wine!!! but also took in my favourite ride of all with loads of climbing and views across the Black Forest, The Jura and right down to the Alps. On a really clear day you can make out Mont Blanc........stunning and very quiet!!!!

My hand is still extremely sore and will have to get checked out properly after 7in7. Swimming has, therefore, been kept to a sensible level (in my case very little!!) but hey, I never could swim too quickly anyway!!

Popped into Primera today where Alex had a nice new pair of Cycling shoes waiting.......thanks to Spesh!! and picked up a few more essentials. Not sure I've ever pointed out just how much support Primera have given me (personally) and our events over (many) thanks, guys!!!

Got so excited I forgot to pick up any new cleats!!!

Must start getting comfortable on Joanne's TT bike over thee next week, although I'll probably ride my road bike for some of the days to look after my aging back.

Getting excited about the week now. Fantastic to be attempting something outside normal comfort levels.

Have thoroughly enjoyed trying to get fit(ish) without the pressure of a race at the end of the process. Chuffed with myself for not getting "over excited" and have just kept things in perspective.

Back to those apposite words from (the great) Judie Tzuke: "With the moonlight to guide you feel the joy of being alive: the moment you stop running is the moment you'll arrive.................................stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride!!!!!

More thoughts next week I guess.


Well, it's raining here in Bourg so no biking today: a little run later and a swim if the thunder and lightning holds off!

Had a superb ten days in Embrun with temperatures up in the high 30's, interspersed with some crazy storms and hailstones the size of sugar lumps.

Rode some hills, trying to build up some strength in these old legs and ran a bit........even swam a couple of laps of the lake although Ellingham will probably be about ten degrees colder I should think. Knee got sore, swelled up but is now settling down again.

Now in Bourg along with almost every other cyclist on the planet. Joanne and I avoided the Alpe yesterday and rode up to the Col de Fer and the Glandon.  We'd forgotten how beautiful it is up there. Any ride that incorporates two Golden Eagles and dozens of Marmots can't be too bad!!!!!!

Shame on the imbecile cyclists we saw chucking their gel wrappers all over the countryside!!! And all the miserable gits who couldn't raise a smile, a wave or a "bonjour" on such a beautiful day........why do you bother to go out and ride if you don't enjoy it!!!

Rant over........we also got back down in time to sit in the sun at the Café de Paris and sup a few surprise there then!!

Tomorrow early,(before the hordes),we're off up to Alpe d'Huez with Graham Starmer who's over here for the  triathlon next week. Then, weather permitting I'll put in five or six hours of riding somewhere quietish.

Thanks to everyone who has made a donation and again to anyone who is helping out with kit etc.

Now if only I can find a beer sponsor...............................................!!

July already…………………………………….!!!

How did that happen? So engrossed in BoskMan/ForestMan stuff that suddenly we’ve only got a month to go!!
What to report? Well, still no swimming as my hand is too sore but starting to show signs of improving at last. I guess not carrying stuff around at events will help.
Biking is ok. Put in a couple of long(ish) rides around the Lake District over the weekend and will build from there.
Running will be ok as long as I stay injury free so the emphasis over the coming weeks is on steady 1.5 - 2 hr runs  two or three days in a row to get ready for the daily battering the old legs can expect.
All brought into sharp focus watching ForestMan finishers last week. Heroes every one but slightly terrifying given my relative lack of training “depth” and the prospect of starting that event somewhat less than “fresh”!!!!
Thanks again for all your best wishes and donations which will make it all worthwhile. Thanks especially to Primera for their help…….cheers, Alex and Bill!! And to Specialized.
 Also to Shaun Lancaster at “Moti” for the Innov8s and to Mike Martin at 2XU for the loan of a couple of wetties (the trouble with a 4 year lay off is that you suddenly find you have insufficient (or ill fitting!) kit.

I’m going to be riding Joanne’s trusty old Kestrel TT bike……….a classic / retro bike suited to an old school triathlete (although I use the term “triathlete” loosely).
Off tomorrow to Embrun for some hill work, followed by a week in Alpe d’Huez, where I hope to be inspired by Messrs Evans, Schleck and Wiggins……………………….but would probably be better suited trying to make contact with Alberto’s medical team!!!!
Back in a couple of weeks, hopefully closer to ready.

June Update: Two Steps Forward - One Step……!!

Well, a few days away (in the rain, naturally) to get a few miles in before the stresses of ForestMan week so now it’s time for a sore throat and “general malaise”.
A couple of long rides from Woolacombe to Minehead along the coast and then a “few hills” on Exmoor on the return journey…….lovely!! Running (very slowly) over the cliff tops must be good for you, mustn’t it??
So the biking and running legs are slowly improving but still no swimming! I managed to stumble whilst out running about 5 weeks ago now and cracked my hand against a rock. Painful at the time and still not much better so swimming still “on hold”. Must be getting old if things are taking so long to heal. Anyway, Joanne reckons that if I’m swimming on seven consecutive days in August I’ll be able to manage three laps of the lake by the final day!!
With ForestMan only a week away I won’t get much (if any) training over the next 10 days or so but then, hopefully, five weeks clear run at some consistency including a week in The Alps for the Tour so a bit of hill work no doubt..
Funnily enough I’m enjoying the challenges brought by the lack of routine in my exercise/training but now recognise that there is absolutely no way I could train consistently enough over the summer months to consider competing seriously again.
Huge thanks for everyone’s support and for the donations!!


Well, all my best intentions to hack myself into some kind of shape before the busy race schedule kicked in went rapidly out the window due to a combination of ongoing illness and one or two unfortunate family “things”, which conspired to drain me as much mentally as physically.
Finally, at the beginning of April, I managed to start getting out on the dusty old road bike and have also managed a couple of 1hr + runs over the past week or so!!!
Swimming………well I’ve been in the pool 4 times now and can confirm that it’s every bit as hard as expected after three years of only taking to the water to bathe (and on warm holidays!!)

The challenge now is to keep things going as the stress and daily demands of our events mount.
On the plus side I’m now really looking forward to the challenge, mainly on the basis that I really don’t have any idea yet what sort of shape it’s reasonable to expect to achieve over the next fifteen weeks. Finally faced up to the fact that I am very much an “ex-triathlete” and am enjoying every session rather than worrying about outcomes!
In the words of Judie Tzuke (with Morcheeba):- “…….stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride.”
Big thanks to all who have already sponsored me via the justgiving link; for all your best wishes and “helpful” comments and observations.
Will update again soon.


In August 2011 I’m going to have a crack at all seven of our Triathlons on consecutive days, culminating on the final day with The ForestMan.

There is, I promise, a (relatively) reasonable explanation for this attack of madness:

Last Summer it dawned on me to be just how much of a struggle it must be for a small and not particularly “trendy” charity to attract funds in the face of higher profile competition: especially in the current economic climate. As a company, RaceNewForest had already become involved with the Trussell Trust to a limited extent via some of our races but I began to wonder whether there was something I could do as an individual to make an impact.

Now, it may come as a surprise to many of you that until three years ago I actually used to take part in Triathlons on a regular basis and used to put in enough training to be reasonably competitive in my (elderly) age-group. As our events have grown, however, I have struggled to find the time and motivation to race and train…..too much of a “Busman’s Holiday”, I guess!!
I began to wonder whether the specific challenge of fund raising could fire me up enough to drag myself into shape to take part in “something”. But what kind of “something”?

It would need to be a significant challenge as I already knew I could finish an Ironman when fit. So I began chatting through a few ideas with Tim Harris (a man renowned for endurance challenges of stupid proportions!!). I’d always said I’d love a crack at one of our own events (racing in the Forest is so challenging) but that is impossible for a Race Organiser. So, what if we came up with a challenge involving the RaceNewForest series.

Jokingly I suggested that we should do all seven races on consecutive days, finishing with The ForestMan (a really tough Iron Distance challenge in it’s own right!!).

Unfortunately this was a suggestion that also captured Tim’s imagination and he didn’t let me forget it. (At least he has had the decency to share in the suffering by doing it too!!!)

Once we “went public” with the challenge I received phone calls from two guys who have been in the sport for at least as long as me and who were fired up by a different type of challenge.

So here we are, three “50 something” year-olds, including one who hasn’t trained for three years (and who would rather be up the pub!!!!) along with a keen, fit youngster (but one whose first ever Tri was only last year) and we’re about to have a crack at taking on seven of the toughest triathlons in the UK starting on August 8th and culminating with The ForestMan Iron Distance event on Sunday August 14th.