THE CHALLENGE: To complete all 7 RaceNewForest Tri’s in 7 days:

Monday August 8th
Swim 2.6km, Bike 126km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 90km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 81km, Run 22.6km

Swim 1.3km, Bike 45km, Run 16km

Swim 1.1km, Bike 36km, Run10km

Swim 0.75km, Bike 25km, Run 6km

Swim 3.8km, Bike 180km, Run 42.2km

A 7 day total of:-

Swim 13.35 km (8.25 miles)
Bike 583 km (362 miles)
Run 139 km (86.4 miles)


Thursday, 18 August 2011

How Did "THAT" Happen? by "The Accidental Iron(Wo)Man"

Well the story has been told, along with all the emotional stuff, so eloquently and entertainingly by Richard therefore I will keep this short and sweet. Also, I do not want to detract from this amazing 7 in 7 challenge – it was never meant to include me doing the Forestman! I was just lucky enough to have my offers of support accepted... a bit of running, managing split transitions, first aid, bike spares, flasks of tea (!) ... you know, the usual stuff.
Then half way through the week, after having done a bit of running and cycling, someone (Richard!) put a little seed in my brain! “You could do the whole lot on Sunday, you know!”

Tim actually has a whole army of people in Downton that were willing and did support him during the week – testimony to his positive and delightful personality. Tim has been manager at our local leisure centre, here in Downton, for a few years now and has continued the fabulous work started there by Richard, Jo and Paul Etheridge; they hauled the centre out of closure some 10 plus years ago. The place has a buzz about it; a positive happy vibe. It provides our community with, what I consider to be, a vital service to both young and old: serious and recreational users. For this I will always be extremely grateful... so how could I not support?

It was an absolute joy to see these guys “bond” over the 7 in 7 week; their respect for each other shone through and grew with their continuing endeavours. And it was such a genuinely hard challenge, as anyone who has participated in Race New Forest events will know.

 I did astound myself (and a few others!) by pulling that iron distance bike ride out of the bag – not my forte – knew the swim would be ok and knew that the run would feel like being at home. After all, I know the Forest so well and never get lost... almost never!!!

My longest ride before Sunday was 56 miles, and longest tri completed was Olympic distance. I have to add, at this point, that Jacks Howe (Team Feat) and Phil Meredith who also accompanied us, were far more support on the bike for Tim than I could have ever been – wow, they are good!

Once running, I did indeed feel at home and yes, enjoyed the ride too.
So get on the Just Giving site and give to these men for the Trussell Trust (any takers for the South African trunks??!), the achievements were all astonishing and worth every pound of sponsorship.

As a footnote, I said to Joanne that if she receives an entry for Forestman 2012 from me, she is to assume that I have had one too many glasses of wine!! I have admiration by the shed loads for you folks that take part and when I am marshalling next year I will cheer you on with such heartfelt empathy.

Thanks for having me along guys, it was a wonderful week that I’ll never forget and my respect for you all is immense. But especially thanks to Tim for your unbending kindness and encouragement.
Amazing what can be done with the right motivational talking to from the right person! Tim... you must be one hell of a good personal trainer!


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