THE CHALLENGE: To complete all 7 RaceNewForest Tri’s in 7 days:

Monday August 8th
Swim 2.6km, Bike 126km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 90km, Run 21.1km

Swim 1.9km, Bike 81km, Run 22.6km

Swim 1.3km, Bike 45km, Run 16km

Swim 1.1km, Bike 36km, Run10km

Swim 0.75km, Bike 25km, Run 6km

Swim 3.8km, Bike 180km, Run 42.2km

A 7 day total of:-

Swim 13.35 km (8.25 miles)
Bike 583 km (362 miles)
Run 139 km (86.4 miles)


Monday, 15 August 2011

Saturday and waking up Sunday

Wow!! Only two days since I last posted an so much to say. Let's deal with "stuff" least to start with!!

Saturday was plain weird. Firstly we got a "lie in" with a scheduled start time of 7:15 it was light when we got up. I felt a bit "down" and my mood wasn't helped by having to share the lake with other people, having had it to ourselves all week.

Once started, though, my energy levels picked up and I enjoyed being finished before 9:45.As on other days no major crises: my calf was ok if not ideal but definitely healing. Steve and Kev still bearing up well and Tim, after a bit of massage, a bit more comfortable.

Tim does a lot of Personal Training, so had arranged for a number of clients to try out "multisport" by either biking and running with him or doing all three disciplines. They all seemed to enjoy the lunacy of our fantastic sport; so more new "converts"

Quick breakfast togetherto run through the logistics of ForestMan day and then off to "prepare". With everything having gone so well for all of us right through the week my great fear was that the "wheels might come off" right at the last.

ForestMan is demanding enough as a "one-off" so we were completely blind as to what to expect this late in the week.

For my part I had Joanne to gee me up so when I would say something like " if I can swim and bike solidly, I guess we'll have plenty of time for the run??" She'd say "yes......but we don't want to be out there all day, do we!!!"

In all seriousness, I couldn't have done what I've done this week without her total confidence in me!!!

Day spent eating, drinking.......met Jax and Wayne up The Old Inn for a couple of beers (you should never, ever (not) drink before a race!! and then making up various energy drinks and lining them up in order in the fridge (all the same drinks on the same shelf......who says I'm "obsessive/compulsive"?? Seems perfectly normal to me. No stranger than putting 6 spare wheels in the car......just in case!!!!

Having been totally at ease all week I again managed almost 7 hrs sleep before waking up (in the dark again Sunday) putting on the kettle for tea and eating Weetabix with my eyes still closed: starting the long established "pre-race prep" for the very last time in an "organised" triathlon. 3 cups of coffee and a 10 minute shower; on with the tri suit and the bottom half of my (very nice and supplied by 2XU.....plug!!) wetsuit  and we're in the car heading for the lake to the sound of some suitable Armin Van Buuren..........................

Will deal with "the day of ForestMan" and it's aftermath later today!

1 comment:

  1. ooh, looking for an update on this Richard, dont leave us hanging there. Although I'm hoping you finished all OK. Glad to see you were talking about a decent ForestMan time still, go for it. I guess 12 hours?

    Very jealous I couldnt join you in having 'such fan. - Anthony Gerundini
